It has been the better part of a season since I last posted! You would think, then, that we'd have a whole ton of really exciting updates to put on the blog. Ha! We're not exactly an exciting bunch. Basically, life has just been happening as we enjoy our little house, get ready for the holidays, watch Geneva grow, and take in our favorite season.
So, when we bought this house last January I had a rough idea of what updates/projects we'd like to have done during our first year here. I realize now that we were a bit ambitious and maybe foolishly optimistic to think that we'd be able to make so many changes (mostly in the yard) while at the same time adjusting to home ownership, new parenthood, and life as a one-income family. Oh well-- we've got our raised garden beds in, and a new flower bed in the back yard as well. All of the nasty, half-dead arborvitaes are gone. We even have a little compost bin to help with the establishment of next year's garden. What we do NOT have are a chicken coop, tool shed, patio or rose hedge. I guess that gives us something to look forward to working on next Spring and Summer. It's also making me think about family planning... I always wanted my kids to be close in age, but now I'm thinking hmm, if I space them apart just a few months more, how much yard work could I cram into those extra months? Not that we're trying for another already or anything. It's just funny where my mind goes now. I feel like such a grown-up sometimes. Anyway, despite having completed very few outdoor projects this year, it turns out that our yard is self-decorating in the fall! The beautiful birch tree out front turns a breathtaking shade of gold. Even the light looks different when that tree's leaves turn. I love fall!
We interrupt this long overdue blog post to bring you exciting news: Geneva has been napping for over TWO HOURS. To give you an idea of how amazing this is, over the last three days she has napped zero hours. I actually keep running upstairs to check on her, it seems so surreal. I think we both needed this.
Speaking of that little girl, here's what she's been up to lately: sitting up (with help), eating rice cereal and squash, and rolling over exactly once. I got the feeling she was able to roll over but just didn't really feel like it, and then on Monday we were playing on the floor when she caught sight of a toy she wanted. She went as stiff as a board, and with a mighty grunt she turned slowly from her back to her tummy and grabbed the toy. Since then nothing seems to have interested her enough to motivate her to roll again, but at least now my suspicions are confirmed: she can do it! Our new feeding routine is going fairly well, too. She's kind of done with rice cereal, and having tried a little myself I can't say I blame her. Squash, however, is going over very well, and although we make a huge mess every night a good portion of the food does end up in her tummy. The introduction of "solids" (and by solids, I mean goo) hasn't really changed how much she eats, sleeps or poops, but it has changed our nighttime routine because now she requires a bath every evening to get the squash out of her rolls. Between eating, bathing, getting jammies on, nursing, reading, and rocking, Avery and I basically have to have our own dinner the minute he gets home. Honestly, I'm so exhausted by the time Geneva is down for the night that I don't do much except read, watch TV, knit or go to bed. I wondered when I first started staying home with Geneva if weekends wouldn't seem like such a big deal anymore, since I'd be home every day anyway. Oh my goodness! I do not know what I'd do without Saturday and Sunday. Or Avery, for that matter.
When I get a spare moment I am still enjoying doing crafty things, but I'm afraid that's as specific as I can be. Why all the secrecy? Well, Avery and I decided that since Geneva will be too little this Christmas to be surprised by her presents, we will each provide presents for her stocking without the other knowing what they are. That way, at least someone will be surprised when she rips off the wrapping on Christmas morning. So, I am currently working on a bunch of small projects to go into her stocking. Sorry Ave, no clues! Some non-Christmas creations that have been finished since my last post are a sweater, a blankie, Geneva's costume of course, and sometime this afternoon I'll be finishing up a pair of knit legwarmers. Oh yeah, I'll also need to get started on eighteen new napkins-- we're hosting Thanksgiving this year! I'm so excited. So so so so so excited.
All right, it's been nearly three hours since she went down. I MUST be nearly out of time, so I'll wrap this up with some pictures!
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this update. HOORAY!!!! Her raccoon costume is to die for! Also, Owen NEVER ate rice cereal...he hated it. But, he LOVES the baby food squash! It's one of his favorite foods even to this day!