"Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!" --Ms. Frizzle

"Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!" --Ms. Frizzle

Friday, June 11, 2010

Workin' for the man!

There are some days in my job where client after client has crisis after crisis. There are other days where local policies (and policy makers) manage to simultaneously demand completely contradictory courses of action to be completed as of yesterday. There are days with accounting problems, days with landlord problems, days with paperwork glitches and eligibility mazes. And then there are days like today, with all of the above.

Days like today are when I feel like just maybe I'm good at my job.

I started doing this case management thing 18 months ago, and today was the first time I felt certain I didn't need to worry that my clients and my organization might not just have been better served if there was someone with a bit more experience or a bit more confidence sitting in my chair, or in their kitchen for that matter.

And now, because I have no illusions that anyone checks this blog for my thoughts on work life, here's an adorable picture of Geneva!


  1. Ave, I LOVE this post. I am so incredibly happy you guys are here and that you have found a job that you enjoy!!!!

  2. It IS an adorable pic of Geneva (and you), but it is also nice to hear how you're doing every once in a while. You really need time and experience to become skilled at most any job. I'm glad you're gaining confidence. So proud of you! We love you, all three!
